Saturday 13 June 2009

The first harvest is in!

Today has been a momentous occasion, the first harvest of the season has arrived. Eight Carrots, A bulb of wet garlic, some kale and a little red cabbage.

I'm chuffed to bits and can't wait for the tomatos, cumcumbers and peppers to join in the fun.

I'm now off to enjoy my first polytunnel meal for the year and i'll keep you updated as more food makes it to the table.


Friday 12 June 2009

What a difference a day makes...or at least 14

Well another two weeks have passed and life at the allotment continues to thrive. The sweetcorn has hit the roof, the cabbages have exploded into life, and the beans have started to climb. You'll be glad to know that this was expected and that the peverbial poo is no where near the fan.

The other news to report is that the poppies have started to flower and the gazinas are busy creating little starbursts of colour. It's a great feeling to finally see that summer is just round the corner. With only 3 weeks of term left i'm looking forward to some beer fuelled weeding; of course there is also the safer option of beer fuelled feeding.